The wielder of this saber peered through that mystical energy field in a way few others could. Seeing without seeing is the ability few could do but the master of this lightsaber eventually saw more than most. A beautiful classic design, this hilt features sleek lines and a flared tsuba echoing a generation long since passed.
Saber Specs:
1" Blade Diameter
Hilt Diameter: 35mm
Without D-Ring: 12.3 inches
Weight: 1 lb 3oz
Dume (Kanan Jarrus Inspired)
- Xenopixel technology (240+ LEDs inside of pixel blade)
- Pixel blade included
- Full sound with Smooth-Swing technology (the most realistic sounding saber you'll ever hear)
- Smooth-swing simply put is: What you hear on-screen is what you will hear on this saber....Yeah, really!
- Full ignition, movement/motion, deflection, flash-on-clash sensitive, and on demand blaster block sounds along with on-demand music tracks
- Advanced audio with powered 2/3w speaker
- RGB - Full color spectrum - Ability to change colors on the fly
- Gesture controllable for on/off
- 16+ sound fonts pre-loaded and user selectable
- It is possible to change out your own sound fonts via SD card but this is an advanced feature and will void warranty if you do this.
- Pixel blade is made of our durable polycarbonate
- As with any pixel blade; duel at your own risk as LEDs inside blade can be damaged
- Rechargeable Battery type: 18650 5V, 1A (3000mAh)
What's In The Box:
1 Hilt
1 Blade
1 USB charging cord
1 Hex key
Extra screws
Instruction manual