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Introducing "Harmony" - The Satele Shan Inspired Lightsaber

Embark on a journey through the galaxy with "Harmony," inspired by the legendary Jedi Grandmaster Satele Shan. Known for her wisdom, strength, and unwavering leadership, Satele Shan's legacy profoundly influences the Star Wars universe. As a master of the Force and a pivotal figure in the history of the Galactic Republic, Satele Shan's spirit is encapsulated in this meticulously crafted lightsaber. The "Harmony" saber is not only a tribute to her illustrious legacy but also a tool of precision and elegance for any aspiring Jedi. 


Key Features:

  • Intricate Design: The hilt boasts an elaborate, swirling pattern reminiscent of ancient Jedi artifacts, symbolizing Satele Shan’s deep connection to the Force and the rich history of the Jedi Order.
  • Dual Blades: Available as two separate hilts or combined into one dual-bladed saber. 
  • Robust Construction: The hilt is crafted from high-grade materials, ensuring durability and a balanced feel, essential for extended use.
  • Elegant Finish: The silver and black finish of the hilt reflects the noble and refined qualities of the Jedi, making this saber not only a weapon but a piece of art.



  • Hilt Length: 23.4" (59.5 cm)
  • Blade Diameter: 1"


Unleash the power of the Force and honor the legacy of Satele Shan with the "Harmony" lightsaber, whether in 2 individual blades or double-bladed form. Perfect for duelists and Star Wars enthusiasts alike, this saber is designed to elevate your connection to the Star Wars saga.

Harmony (Satele Shan Inspired)

PriceFrom $699.00
    • In-hilt RGB LED shines up empty tube/blade; perfect for full-contact dueling
    • Removable 1" OD duel-worthy blades
    • Infinite RGB color-changing blade with the ability to change on-the-fly
    • 16 different character smooth-swing sound fonts
    • Gesture controls 
    • Full sound effects: Ignition, retraction, motion, blaster block, clash and more!
    • Flash-on-clash

    This option is for those who want to get into the hobby at the cheapest possible price or want to do full contact heavy dueling. The exterior metal hilt is the same as the more expensive XTC and PTC options. There are no LEDs inside blade which is cheaper and less likely to break with dueling. 

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We strive to ship out your saber as fast as (droidly) possible.  You are looking at normal shipping times of about 2 weeks during the holiday season.
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