Another beautiful relic from long ago and forged on the homeworld of Tython before light and dark were divided and the horrid Force wars raged. Three shrouds enveloping the highly detailed electrum adorned emitter base. Inspired by the temples it was forged near, the lines evoke a times long past. At the base is a surprisingly modern yet functional pommel.
Comes with 32” pixel blade as it’s a thin-neck saber. Make a note if you want 36” length.
More on the way! Turn Around Time (TAT) for this saber is standing at 1-2 weeks.
- Neopixel technology (240+ LEDs inside of pixel blade)
- 1" OD Pixel blade included
- Full sound with Smooth-Swing technology (the most realistic-sounding saber you'll ever hear)
- Smooth-swing simply put: What you hear on-screen is what you will hear on this saber....Yeah, really!
- Full ignition, movement/motion, deflection, flash-on-clash sensitive, and on-demand blaster block sounds
- Advanced audio with powered 2/3w speaker
- Bluetooth capable with Android app ONLY. No iPhone support yet....
- RGB - Full color spectrum - Ability to change colors on the fly
- 25+ sound fonts pre-loaded and user selectable
- SD Card for sound font customization
- Please remember this is an advanced feature; you will void warranty! We can help you fix it.
- Repairs will cost 15% of saber plus shipping.
- Pixel blade is made of our durable polycarbonate
- As with any pixel blade; duel at your own risk as LEDs inside blade can be damaged
- Rechargeable Battery type: 18650 5V, 1A (3000mAh)
- What's In The Box:
1 Hilt
1 Blade
1 USB charging cord
1 Hex key
Extra screws
Instruction manual
- Sound fonts on SN4 board: Ahsoka, Anakin, Ayla Secura, Deba Balaba, Maul, Dooku, Dark Sith Red - Electric Blade, Palpatine, Kestis, Yoda, Rey Skywalker TLJ, Ben (Kylo) red, Inquisitor; yellow unstable/fire, Is this training?, Windu, Darksaber, Mundi, Kenobi, Quinlan Voss, Reborn, The Butcher (Revan Sith), Temple Guard – yellow fire/unstable, Starkiller, Ventress, Leia, Tumacord, Vader