This hilt is a true work of art like many of our custom designs. The Phantom has design cues and a classic heritage from sabers dating back thousands of years to the first force users.
Phantom (Ghost)
- Proffie open-source sound board (240+ LEDs inside of pixel blade)
- Pixel blade included
- Full sound with Smooth-Swing technology (the most realistic souding saber you'll ever hear)
- What you hear on-screen is what this saber will sound like in real life
- Full ignition, movement/motion, deflection, clash sensitive, and on demand blaster block souds
- RGB - Full color spectrum - Ability to change colors on the fly
- SD card slot for fully customizable sound fonts and user selectable blade profiles
- 16+ Preloaded sound fonts
- 5 Different blade ignition/detraction & profiles/designs
- As with any pixel blade; duel at your own risk as LEDs inside blade can be damaged
It's been said, that working on your own Proffie Technology Core is a lot like working on your own hyperdrive engine without an astromech. If you aren’t sure you can do it, then opt for the Xenopixel Technology Core…. It’s just as cool but not quite as customizable.